Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Islam Religion Review Essay Sample

Islam Religion Review Essay Sample Muslim Religion Review Essay Muslim Religion Review Essay Islam refers to a monotheistic religious tradition, which emerged in the 7th century C.E. The word Islam is translated as â€Å"surrender† or â€Å"submission†; the religion is based on the teachings of pronounced Prophet Muhammad as an expression of absolute surrender to the will of Allah, who is the creator as well as the sustainer of the world. The Qur’an, which is the divine text of Islam, encompasses the teaching of the Prophet, which was manifested to Mohammad from Allah. Fundamental to Islam is the conviction that Allah is the one and only true God and has no equality. Islam has many branches and many varieties of those branches. The two branches in the tradition are Sunni and Shi’a each of which assertions to separate meaning of upholding religious authority. One of the unifying traits of Islam is the Five Pillars, which are the basic practices of Islam (Islamweb English). Islam is embodiment of the code of life that God, the creator as well as the Lord of the universe, has manifested for providing guidance to mankind. In order to ensure development of mankind, two elements are required which serve as a resource for sustaining life and to satisfy material necessity of an individual and the society as well as the knowledge of the values of person’s and social behavior to assist human being to fulfill himself and uphold justice and tranquility in mankind living (islamweb english). The Father of the universe has given both of these measures abundantly. To provide for material necessities of man, the Lord has bestowed natural resources at the disposal of man . In a bid to provide for man’s social, spiritual, and cultural necessities, the lord has raised His prophets from amongst men and has manifested to them the value of life, which could provide lines to honest path. This code of life is referred to as Islam, the faith that is proclaimed by all the prophets of God. The common traits that characterize Islam include rationality, practicality and simplicity. Islam is a religion that has no mythology. The teachings are intelligible and simple. It is devoid of superstitions and irrational belies. The concept of singleness of God, the prophet hood of Mohammad, as well as the issue of life after death are the fundamental articles of this belief founded on reason and sound logic. The entire teaching of Islam evolving from those fundamental beliefs is simple an d straightforward. There are no pyramid of priests, nor farfetched abstractions, or complex rites and rituals. Therefore anyone could take a Qur’an literary and interpret its dictates into action (Masters). Islam arouses the faculty of reasoning and exhorting man to apply his intellect. It directs him to view issues in the light of truth. The Qur’an enlightens man to pray to Allah so as Allah may give them knowledge. Additionally, Islam is practical religion which does not permit involvement in unfounded and futile theorizing. It holds that faith is not sheer profession of beliefs; instead it is the prime mainspring of life. Righteous behavior ought to follow faith in God. It holds that religion is to be put in action and not an object of simple lip-service. The Qur’an promises joy to them that believe and act righteously. Islam is also characterized with unity of spirit and matters. The distinctive element of Islam is that it does not differentiate life into waterproof compartments of spirit and matter. It does not advocate for denial of life instead for the fulfillment of life. The religion does not favor asceticism. It also does not force man to keep off from material things. It stresses that spiritual edification is to be met through living sacred in the rough and tumble life and not through renouncing the world as enlightened by the Qur’an(Islamweb English). Therefore, the religion does not accept any separation between† moral â€Å"and â€Å"material â€Å"and â€Å"spiritual† life, and enjoins human being to dedicate his energy to building life on proper moral foundations. It gives a grounding in the fact that material and moral power ought to be welded jointly and that spiritual salvation could be realized through the use of material resources for the well- being of man in the provision of just ends and not through living a life of asceticism or through running away from life challenges. Islam looks to strike a balance between these two main issues of life spiritual and material. It acknowledges that all resources of the universe belong to man, but man was formed to serve a greater purpose that entails development of moral as well as just order, which will satisfy the will of God. The teaching of Islam provides for both spiritual and the temporal necessities of man. Additionally, Islam charges gent to purify his soul and reform his day to day life that is both collective and individual as well as develop the supremacy of claim over great and virtue over vice. Therefore, Islam is in the middle way and the purpose of yielding a moral man in the provision of a just community (Islamweb English). This religion expressly denounces the impression of religion and precisely indicates that its purposes are purification of the soul and rebuilding of the society. Therefore, Islam appears to be a way of life which does not miss any aspect of human existence (Pattern in Islamic Art). There has always been a fine line separating Islamic Mysticism from numerous anti-Islamic heresies. Islamic Mysticism does not ignore the world, it merely withdraws from several of its luxuries. Most of the mujahidin who fought for Islamic reason were mystics. For example, Syed Al-Badawi, which was a device applied in bringing to an end the crusades that caused the people to fight. The Mohammad mystics of Islam refer to themselves as Ahl-Haqq, which means the true follower of real. The source of Islamic mysticism in the description of religion with â€Å"belief† in and adherence to principles of revelation and requirement to act. This religion is more than a formal religion but rather a way of life. A Muslim stays face to face with Allah within all times, and there is no inclusion of separation between his religion and life, his faith and politics with its deep emphasis on the brotherhood of men working harmoniously to live according to Allah will (alam). The ancient Islamic art relays the spiritual and quintessential information about Islam through language and direct symbolism which is both effective and less problematic beyond most of the theoretical interpretations of Islam. A small piece of ancient calligraphy could convey more eloquently of the intelligence and nobility that characterizes Islam beyond several apologetic works of activists. Such is serine, structured, intelligible and highly spiritual trait of Islamic art that results to an accurate understanding of Islamic way of life. As opposed to resent ideas, Islam does not view beauty and art as a luxury; instead, it views beauty as a divine quality as well as suggests that God values beauty. Islamic etics desires beauty to be prevalent and, hence, the art, which makes sure that a Muslim experiences joy of beauty in all parts of his life. He feels the same sense of joy and peace while seated on a traditional carpet, looking at a piece of calligraphy or when praying in the masterpieces of Islamic architecture that extend from the Pacific to the Atlantic. More examples include the Islamic Art of Writing, sacred Architecture of the Islamic Mosque and Aesthetic theories as well as building of an Islamic society (Educating for CulturalCultural Literacy andRespect ). Belief in Mohammad message arose from the belief on Unitarian God. Islam regards itself as a monotheistic religion that was taught through all prophets from Adam to Mohammed. The main beliefs of Islam are the belief in God’s sacred plan and knowledge of what occurs in the world. The belief in the judgment day where everyone will give account for his actions and be rewarded or punished is another fundamental belief of Islam as well as the belief in one God – Allah. Islam acknowledges angels, especially angel Gabriel who was the messengers to various prophets. (Koshhal). The religion views the world as a temporal home as the saint waits to go to Paradise. Islamic religion emphasis on the need for each to fight for his faith irrespective of the costs paid even if it means death of your enemies. It holds that at restrained terms it is justifiable to take away the life of another person when he poses a threat to the Islam well-being. Islam procures that human being was created to live a life without any fault, merely to serve Allah through faithful deeds (Koshhal). The role of women in the Muslim community has changed considerably during the centuries from the conception of Islam about 600 years ago. Their place has been altered depending on shifting social, political and economic circumstances. Despite that the Qur’an holds men and women to be equal before God, women do not have equal access to certain spheres of social life. Historically, Muslim women have not been accorded same treatment as men. Particular rulers as well as numeral legal scholars enforced a system of inequality, which is vindicated through their interpretations of the Qur’an and the ancient customs of the Prophet. However, this view was criticized by the colonial authorities and their western understanding of the rightful place of women in community was adapted by some segment of Muslim population. Subsequently, after Islamic world gained independence in the mid-1900s, women have been trapped between reformers and traditionalists as they strive for dominance within Islamic society (Nicholson). Prior to the emergence of Islam, women were living in traditions that were dominated by men. Women were treated as property, to be married or divorced at wish. The Qur’an recognized the status of women and treated them as equal to men. It acknowledged women’s rights to select their spouses as well as established limits over the practice of polygamy. The Qur’an also recognized marriage to be a contract between a woman and a man and the claim of inheriting wealth and control over their money and property. Beside this, the Qur’an did not alter the male dominance for the Qur’an calls for women to submit to their husbands, it further defines men to be a degree above women in responsibility. Historical facts denote that women participated in the early establishment of Muslim society. It was women who began to follow early revelation of Mohammad. Eventually, women played a vital role in gathering revelations from both oral and written sources into a so litary, authoritative text. It was the nature of the Prophet Mohammad to consult women and highly value their opinion. For example, his wife Kadija was his prime advisor and supporter (Ahmad). Following his death, honorable women were consulted of who his successor would be. It is from this time that the Muslim started to adapt to the colonist way and ended up secluding the women. Men together with women had different, complementary roles within the Muslim communities. The husband was charged with protection and provision while the wife was responsible for maintaining the home and bringing up children. Notably, beside the Qur’an teaching that husband and wife were equal before God, women still remained subordinate to men. During the early 1900s, the state of freshly autonomous Muslim country like Turkey took the challenge of modernizing the woman’s role. Additionally, poor performing economy has compelled women to be engaged in other activities beyond their traditional roles. Moreover, factors like labor and war have caused the number of households run by females. A number of Muslim women have been running grassroots firms, involved indevelopment projects, social activities and charitable associations (lPipes). According to the Qur’an, the same duties and responsibilities are bestowed upon men and women which render them equal rights to pledge for rewards. Notwithstanding, particular factors have contributed to limiting women’s participation in Islamic religious life. These consist of lack of education, social customs, and idea of ritual purity. The particular restriction on the involvement of women in Muslim religious issues and the manners that the women have responded to such restriction varies across the Islamic world. Moreover, in 1900s the emerging roles of women within the society formed fresh opportunities for women in the religious domain as well (the Natural Bases for Natural Light). The Qur’an is not a merely series of strict orders which does not contain comments but rather comprises of laws and history, interpretation and exhortation of creation. In the same way that the Qur’an stipulates rules of conduct in the nature of law on several instances, so it also remarks about the existing and being. The Qur’an talks about the creation of men and women and from this accusations are then leveled against Islam as containing disparaging attitude to women on the strength of its theories (islamway). Islam depicts a woman as sexually desirous and more passionate than the man. In fact, such understanding determines the position of a woman in the ancient period of Islam. According to Islamic perception, both the man and the woman yearning for intercourse, when their bodies experiences same processes, yielding same pleasure as well as physical climaxes. Contrary to the ancient western perception of sexual art as a battlefield in which men expresses their supremacy onto women, Islam views it as a caring, shared pleasure. Therefore, it could be noted that sexual gratification results into a harmonized social order, hence, flourishing the society. Islam holds that female’s desire for sex is greater than that of man. It views â€Å"the woman as the hunter and the man as the passive victim† of the woman ardor, in fact, sexual desire makes her the â€Å"symbol of unreason, disorder, the anti-divine force of nature and discipline of the devil†. Such view could spring from woman’s higher physical capability for sex or it could be traced back to Muhammad encounters. Regardless of the source, women’s sexuality is taken as being more powerful, hence posing a threat to the society. On the same note, Islam advocates for sexual satisfaction, it again reflects unrestrained women to be the more dangerous as compared to male’s endeavoring to fulfill God’s commands. Coupled with such rampant desire and irresistible attractiveness bestows women power over men and this rivals God. When this would be left an attended it could lead to men becoming victims and thus abandon them from God. This would lead to â€Å"fitna† a term which implies civil problems amongst believers. Islam perceives â€Å"fitna† as negative and anti-social power of women In Arabic world in case a man is faced by a woman, the â€Å"fitna† will emerge, since women’s lusts would lead to anarchy ( w). Therefore, a conclusion can be made from the above: Islam restricts on sexuality driven by a concern to sustain the social pattern rather than the moral consideration. Additionally, Islam establishes a range of institutional contrivances aimed at repressing female sexuality. Thus, the prime aim is to keep off men, obstructing romantic love, as well as rendering female powerless. Realization that women were capable of seducing men, set the society to prevent such from happening through creating separate rooms and limiting contacts between the sexes. According to the Shari’a when a man and a woman are left on their own they are to have indulged in sexual intercourses, thus, all ought to be done to avoid these situations from happening. Notably, physical separation of sexes attributes to daily life in Islam. Thus, any man or woman regarded as prospectively sexually appealing to the other and is kept away from each other (Islamweb English). Islamic civilization promotes women to remain indoors as well as perceives women as servants. Men are given the ability and rights to hold their women at home. Typical house, in this case, is designed with walls on the outside and windows facing the inner country yards, hence increasing privacy. Inside the house, the construction also splits the male from female places. (Koshhal).

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Get Help With Your College Application

How to Get Help With Your College Application SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips College applications can be both difficult and stressful, especially if you don’t have someone in your life who’s familiar with the process. But there are all kinds of resources for college application help- you just have to know where to look. Not all help with the college application process is created equal. Some are a little too hands-on, which can mean your application doesn’t sound like you. Others may not offer the kind of help you need. When you’re looking for assistance, you need services that help boost your own skills, not ones that do the work for you. It’s perfectly okay to get college application help. This guide will walk you through some options for assistance, including what you should seek help for, what you shouldn’t, and some of the best places to find reliable assistance with your college application. If you feel like this, definitely get help with your college application! Should You Get Help With Your College Application? If you feel like you’re not understanding your college applications or that you aren’t really doing as well on one portion as you’d like to be, you should absolutely seek outside help. There’s nothing to be ashamed of- college applications are difficult! Because they’re meant to be one-size-fits-all, sometimes your needs and questions may not be addressed. But no matter what questions you have, you should ask them! Regardless of your circumstances, you deserve the opportunity to go to college. Don’t let fear or a lack of understanding stop you from applying. There are lots of reasons to want or need help. The process can be pretty opaque, even with lots of tutorials and guides. And if you feel like you don’t need any assistance with your college application, it’s still not a bad idea to look into it! With so many resources available, you might as well take advantage of them. College applications can feel a bit like climbing a difficult wall, but help is available! What's OK to Get College Application Help On? The short answer to what parts of your college application it’s okay to get help with is pretty much everything. The key word is help- getting someone to do the work for you is a big mistake. But if you want assistance, including guidance, brainstorming, or even some constructive criticism, you shouldn’t be afraid to seek it out. Where Can You Get Help With Your College Application? There are so many resources available that it can be difficult to figure out which ones you should pursue. Do you need an all-around coach for your application? A tutor? Will a visit to a guidance counselor cut it, or do you need to spend money on a complete assistance package? Don’t panic. Take a moment to outline what problems you’re having so you can better solve them. Even if you feel like you’re writing down every single thing about your application, it’s worth doing- if you can see the problem, you can come up with a plan to fix it. Depending on what problems you’re having, you have a few options to handle it. Some common hangups are: You can't figure out what colleges to apply to You don't understand your application You're not sure you can afford college Your grades aren't where you'd like them to be You don't know who to ask for letters of recommendation You're not sure how to write your essay Your standardized test scores aren't ready to apply These problems may all feel insurmountable at first, but there's always help available.No matter what you're struggling with, there are resources available- if you need help, consider asking: Your school guidance counselor The admissions office of the school you're applying to Teachers A tutor They may not have all the answers, but chances are that they can point you in the direction of someone who does. Don't let fear or embarrassment keep you from seeking the education you dream of. These are just a few ideas- if what’s giving you trouble isn’t covered below, keep reading anyway! A lot of issues overlap, and you may find your answer in a surprising place. What If You Can't Figure Out Which Colleges to Apply To? Figuring out which college to go to is a huge decision- one that can be paralyzing if you don’t know where to begin. But there are lots of resources to help you make your choice, even if you’re not sure what you want to study, whether you want to stay in your state, or whether you want to start at a four-year university. However, this is a big question.If you still have lots of time to make a decision- such as if you're in your junior year- it’s time to start doing research. There are lots of online resources to help with this, including college websites and our own guides, including how to figure out which schools to apply to, how many colleges you should apply to, and how to calculate your admission chances. Fall of your senior year is typically when you’ll be applying to colleges, so if that deadline has passed, you may be looking at taking a little time off.Taking some time off isn’t necessarily a bad thing. If you’re struggling with your application, the extra time can help you narrow down what schools you want to apply to rather than forcing you to rush to a decision. Don’t panic about running late; you still have good options! Take time to do your research, don’t just apply to schools that come to mind. Seek out college fairs if you can, and consult with your school’s guidance counselor to find schools that are right for your needs. What If You Don't Understand Your Application? College applications can be a little dense, particularly if you’re not familiar with a lot of the language they use. But there are lots of resources to help in this department, too- with social media and blogs, you can find all kinds of people online discussing how to handle a college’s application. If you want something a little more personal, try speaking to your school’s guidance counselor. They’re experienced in this field, and can help walk you through the parts that are confusing. If speaking with your school’s guidance counselor doesn’t give you enough information, look up the admissions department of the college you’re applying to. Some schools have direct liaisons between high school students and the admissions office, or they may just be able to answer general questions for you. It’s better to ask your question and know for certain than to not fill something out for fear of being wrong, so hang up your fear of the telephone or email and reach out. You don't need to turn to an underground arm-wrestling career to pay for college. What If You're Not Sure You Can Afford College? College is expensive- that’s just a fact. But there is lots of financial aid available, including grants, loans, and scholarships. However, it’s rare that that money will offer itself up to you. You have to apply for it. There are many different types of scholarships and contests you can apply to, many of which can offer a great deal of money for things you already do. Again, your school’s guidance counselor is a good resource if you’re feeling a little unsure about where to start. Don’t be afraid to set up a meeting with them if you’re not sure how to apply or what documents you’ll need. No matter what your circumstances are, there are resources available to help you pay for college. Students with no financial assistance from parents or guardians, undocumented students, and even students who may not be eligible for grants all have options, even if you have to make some concessions about where you want to go. Being a community college transfer student may be the right idea for you to save some money now but still get the college education you want. What If You're Struggling With Grades? Grades are one of the most important parts of your college education. But if yours aren’t where they should be, that doesn’t mean you can’t get into college. The earlier you get started on fixing your grades, the better. But even if deadlines are looming, it’s never too late to make changes in your work process and study habits to improve things. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help from teachers or counselors. If you can demonstrate that you’re serious about improving, your teachers may be able to help you make a plan for how to do better. Obviously, you can’t just change your grades. But working hard to improve them is totally possible, and colleges want to see you actively working on self-improvement. If you can show that you're putting in the effort through an upswing in your GPA, a year of bad grades may not look as bad to admissions offices. If you’ve experienced a slip in grades because of outside circumstances, be sure to address that in your college application. Transparency and honesty are good things, especially when you can show through improvements that you’re working to do better. Aside from teachers and counselors, a tutor may also be valuable. Tutors can help you identify weak points in your knowledge and address them, not only helping you fix your grades right now, but also preparing you with improved study habits and learning foundations that will help you in college, too. What If You're Struggling With Letters of Recommendation? Teachers are the standard for letters of recommendation, but if you’re struggling to find teachers to write your letters, don’t panic. This may be particularly difficult for homeschooled students or those who may not have as close of relationships with their instructors. But teachers aren’t the only people who can write a great letter. You’ll want to stay away from family members and friends, who can’t really offer an objective view, but other people in positions of authority who know you and your work ethic can be good options, too. Consider school counselors, athletic coaches, instructors outside of school (such as a piano teacher), or even supervisors at work as possible alternatives. A good letter of recommendation will tell the school you’re applying to about your work ethic and your strengths, and any of those figures could be a great alternative to a teacher if you need one. It's okay to get inspiration from others, but make sure your work is your own. What If You're Struggling With Your Essay? College essays are an important part of the application, but they can also be intimidating to write. One of the most important things to know about seeking help for your essay is that you shouldn’t look for help writing or even coming up with topics- instead, look for help once you’ve written a draft. Too much help can actually be a hindrance. If a college doubts that you’re the sole author of your essay, it could count against you. Feedback is great, and you should absolutely seek it out, but be sure that your essay is by you, not by whoever has helped you with it. Essentially, always be sure that the sentences you write are your sentences. Take any advice you get to heart, but don’t feel like the way that others suggest to write your work is inherently better than the way that you’d write it. What If You Need Help With Standardized Tests? SAT and ACT scores are a big part of your college application, but it’s easy to get intimidated by the process of studying and analyzing your strong and weak points. First of all, know which test is going to benefit you most. Depending on what you want to study and what your strengths are, the ACT or SAT may be more beneficial to you. The earlier you start studying and practicing, the better. You can take both tests multiple times to make sure you get the best score you can. Take advantage of this, so that you’re not stuck with an unimpressive score down the road. If you find that you’re not improving as much as you’d like, consider a tutoring service. PrepScholar offers consultations, a self-guided program that addresses your weak points, and a complete tutoring program to give you one-on-one coaching. There are many books and other resources available, so start early and take advantage of them! Be careful that the help you get doesn't fall into cheating. What Shouldn't You Get Help With? There’s nothing that’s entirely off-limits in seeking college application help, but be sure that you’re getting help, not having someone do the work for you. Many college applications are reviewed holistically, meaning that though they may weigh one aspect more heavily than others (such as grades), the entire application is considered important. If things don’t match up- such as your essay having a different writing style- it could give a bad impression. That’s why if you’re going to use essay writing services, they should be geared toward helping you find ideas and refine your work, not helping you write the essay itself. Obviously, you shouldn’t pay anybody money to do anything on your behalf, whether it’s writing your essay, improving your grades, or taking tests for you. All your work should be original and completed by you. Seek help if you need it, but be sure that the help you get is aimed at your growth, not doing work for you! Not every kind of help is right for everybody. How to Get the Best Help Any kind of service, including essay help and tutoring, can be expensive. Be sure that you look into what a service offers in detail, including if there are free trials, money-back guarantees, or other offers to take advantage of. Trials help ensure that a system will work for you, meaning you're more likely to get the help you need. Reviews can be a big help, especially because so many other students are experiencing the same thing that you are. You can consult people you know or online reviews to find services that sound right for you. One of the best things you can do is find people in your own life who have experience with applying to college, whether they’re teachers, counselors, family, or friends. These people know you best, and are likely already invested in your success. It’s important that whoever you consult with understand that you should succeed on your own terms- that is, they should help you reach your goals by coaching and giving you feedback, not by doing work for you. What's Next? The college application process can be confusing, but this helpful guide will help demystify even the most opaque system! It's never too early to start planning. But which year is most important for your college applications? Even if Harvard isn't your goal, it doesn't hurt to tackle your application as if you're aspiring to the Ivy Leagues.With a strong enough application, you'll have your pick of schools! Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Light in August by William Faulkner and Fate Assignment

Light in August by William Faulkner and Fate - Assignment Example Light In August reveals the hopelessness that intertwines with the human condition. Joe Christmas and Lena Grove reveal as characters with fuzzy backgrounds. Their beginnings are despicable and this contributes towards their fate. Lena Grove falls in love with a man, who abandons her when she becomes pregnant. Lucas Burch seems like a mildly ambitious man whose direction in life is similarly blurry. In the same sense, Joe Christmas has a contemptible background that trails him towards his castration. The novel only mentions his adopted family and the unpleasant relationship that leads him towards murdering his foster father. The depiction of the term street shows how the characters’ attempts at solace ruins them. The street symbolizes the unending search for belonging and self-acceptance that Lena and Joe experiences. For instance, Christmas kills the man who adopted him thereby triggering abandonment by Bobbie Allen and the family (Faulkner 80). When Joe steps off the porch of his former house, he escapes into the streets for fifteen years. In a quest towards finding personal meaning, Joe participates in vain wanderings that reflect his restless nature. The streets possess the allure of potential places for quenching Joe’s inner turbulence. This, however, is a mirage that offers limited answers about his identity. Similarly, Lena possesses hope when she goes in the streets, but she encounters travails that almost break her. The story also entails the burdens of conflicting aspirations and identities that people hold. Although Joe is seemingly white, he has a strong feeling that he is an African American. This means he can neither identify himself as a white nor classify himself as an African American person. Miss Burden inherits the expectations of her family that borders on pride and luminous legacy. Miss Burden, therefore, commits herself to her heritage’s cause that concerns with racial equality and slave abolition. Her charity eventually leads her into romantically falling for Joe, as she tries helping him achieve a stable self-esteem.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Network Access Using Correct Credentials Coursework - 1

Network Access Using Correct Credentials - Coursework Example Additionally, other abnormal computers like automatic dialing the internet may also be an indicator. Further, use of keyloggers can be essential in keeping a log of the number of times your account has been accessed. However, copying of small files may not increase network activity significantly so it may be hard to detect. Furthermore, shared folders are freely accessible on the network without the use of a password. The situation discussed above differs from packet sniffing. In it, there is no software required to access the folders as they are already shared and the password is also known. Additionally, packet sniffing is an illegal practice of intercepting network traffic to and from a computer on a network. The limit of what may be accessed through both of these methods is also different. While packet sniffing can access everything sent over the network, the above scenario does not include such capabilities. Using password to access a local computer is much easier than packet sniffing. The situation in question 2 is real and very likely in a work situation. Numerous cases of employees stealing information from their colleagues have been reported. One simple way for protection in such case is the change of password. Changing passwords constantly will ensure that someone has difficulty ever using your password to access your computer. Another method is by use of the firewall. A firewall may be a hardware or a software program which restricts unauthorized external access to a local machine or an internal network. Additionally, a review of which folders and files to share and which not to share is also important. The designers who had their systems attacked by a worm and their designs stolen would have known of this intrusion and subsequent theft of designs. An antivirus software installed on the computer is one sure way for such detection.  

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Morality is timeless Essay Example for Free

Morality is timeless Essay Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird highlights examples of heroism and courage in a small Alabama town plagued with racism and poverty. The novel focuses on the experiences of the Finch family which consists of Atticus, Jem, and Scout. Scout serves as the narrator of the book; her story is based on her recollections of the events leading up to, during, and after her father’s defense of Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping Mayell Ewell, a white woman. To Kill a Mockingbird is not only a critique of racism, but teaches valuable life lessons about moral courage and standing up for what is right. The protagonist, Atticus, displays both moral and physical courage throughout the novel. He is committed to instilling in his children the importance of living an ethical lifestyle regardless of the circumstances. For example, he explains to Scout that he accepted the Tom Robinson case because it is a moral obligation for equal representation. Specifically, he clarifies to Scout that the primary reason is if I didnt I couldnt hold up my head in town, I couldnt represent this county in the legislature, I couldnt even tell you or Jem not to do something again (Lee 83). Atticus believes that it is only fair to judge one in terms of that individual’s moral caliber not by the color of their skin. Furthermore, he does not condone retaliation. Even though Mrs. Dubose, a morphine addict, is prejudice and unkind, Atticus reprimands Jem for behaving heartlessly towards her. Atticus never loses his composure even when Bob Ewell maliciously spits in his face. He rationally explains, â€Å"He had to take it out on somebody and Id rather it be me than that houseful of children out there. You understand? (Lee 218). Harper Lee’s lesson is that a person’s morals should not be affected by other’s behaviors or beliefs. Honor Above All 1 Steiner 2 Harper Lee creates the narrator, Scout, to demonstrate that morality is not necessarily instinctive but can be taught. As the novel progresses, Scout realizes that moral courage is more difficult to carry out than physical courage. No one in the community wants to associate with Boo Radley; however, Scout comes to recognize his compassion and returns it with civility. Although initially fearful, Scout welcomes Boo’s gifts and embraces his differences. Again, Scout demonstrates that morality can be learned when a potentially violent situation arises at playground with another classmate; she refrains from using force. Her calmer nature proves effective at the courthouse. She harmlessly inquires about Mr. Cunningham’s family, â€Å"Hey Mr. Cunningham. I know your son, Walter he is a nice kid. We go to school together†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Lee 81). Her kindness results in the scattering of the angry townspeople. Scout witnesses that kindness is effective tool to avert violence. The minor characters of Calpurnia, Tom Robinson, and Boo Radley are symbols of decency and respect regardless of their backgrounds. Calpurnia chastises Scout for mocking Walter’s unsophisticated eating habits. Hush your mouth! Dont matter who they are, anybody sets foot in this houses yo compny, and dont you let me catch you remarkin on their ways like you was so high and mighty†¦! † (Lee 33). Calpurnia is a maternal figure for the Finch children as she too, similarly to Atticus, helps them to differentiate right from wrong. Tom Robinson exhibits courage when he volunteers to help Mayella Ewell with household chores even though he is aware of his inferior social standing. His decision to speak only the truth in court by stating, I felt right sorry for her; she seemed to try moren the rest of em. ,(Lee 197) further demonstrates his caring demeanor and commitment to behave courteously. Lee includes the character of Boo to Honor Above All 2 Steiner 3 depict another type of prejudice: social discrimination. Despite his social alienation, Boo courageously abandons the safety of his home to help ‘his kids. ’ Boo is guided by his sense of what is right and puts aside society’s rejection. Calpurnia, Tom Robinson, and Boo are guided by morality. Courage can be defined as the ability to face fear, pain, uncertainty, and the unknown. Harper Lee effectively uses her characters to demonstrate moral and immoral choices and consequences. Atticus and Scout respond to the town’s racism with a resolute sense of purpose. Through her father’s and Calpurnia’s guidance she becomes more refined and tolerant. She averts physical confrontations at school and understands that morality should not change with each situation. The character of Tom Robinson symbolizes what it truly means to be a caring human being. Regardless of the racism that he endures, he is honest and compassionate. While racism plays a significant role in Lee’s novel; the importance of moral courage cannot be understated. As Atticus profoundly advises, â€Å"You’ll never know really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view † (Lee 65). Harper Lee conveys that since justice is blind to race, gender, and differences a moral code is the only hope for equality. Unfortunately, as exhibited in the novel, adhering to one’s moral code does not always guarantee the desired or just outcome. Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. London: Vintage Classics, 2007. Print. Honor Above All 3.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Hale in The Crucible :: Essay on The Crucible

Imagine that you are an actor and have been asked to take on the role of Hale in The Crucible. Discuss how you would like to portray your character on the stage. Imagine that you are an actor and have been asked to take on the role of 'Hale' in 'The Crucible'. Discuss how you would like to portray your character on the stage. Choose two scenes to focus on, which you believe are important in showing you characters personality. I have been asked to play the part of 'Reverend John Hale' in a stage production of 'The Crucible'. 'The crucible is a play based on the Salem witch trials, which took place in the sixteenth century, and is centred around the them of naming names and passing the blame. Arthur Miller wrote 'The Crucible', and I believe his purpose writing this play was to show the consequence of naming names and taking revenge as well as showing how different those times were. My character, Reverend John Hale of Beverly is said to be. " nearing forty, a tight-skinned, eager-eyed intellectual." He thinks himself to be quite the specialist on witchcraft and things of the supernatural, because of the education he has received, he was glad that he was " the specialist " that had been called to Salem to sort out their problem of suspected witchcraft. He feels this is his chance to prove himself. When he comes to Salem everyone seems to take to him quickly, he is very nice and charming to everyone. To Rebecca Nurse "Hale: you cannot be Rebecca Nurse? ,but I suppose you look as such a good soul should. We have all heard of your great charities in Beverly." To Thomas Putnam. "Hale: Putnam! I had not expected such distinguished company, sir." By doing this he is gaining respect from the townspeople of Salem. He soon has Parris 'sucking-up' to him as well as having Parris respect. I feel that when he first came to Salem, in the play, that he is arrogant as if he can take care of everything. I think that he may believe too strongly in what he has been taught, but in the period the play is set, the characters would see the Devil, witchcraft and the supernatural as a respectable view of cosmology. Something they believe in because there had to be opposites, God to the Devil or good to evil. When he arrives he seems to throw himself into things, before he really thinks about things, like it may be a hoax. Also before Hale came to Salem, none of the girls who had been caught dancing in the

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Personal Ethical Development Paper Essay

Everyone has their own personal code of ethics, develop through education and experience. With the basic identified in kindergarten or even earlier. Each of us have developed personal ethical codes with inputs and guidance from numerous people including family members, friends, church leaders, mentors, teachers, community leaders and role models. My underlying ethical system primarily is a duty-base ethical system, in which I acted in a certain manner, a manner that is a clear right or wrong. As a child, my parents and family were the ones who lay the ground rules for my ethical decisions. Knowing what is right from what is wrong, to say please and thank you when asking for and receiving something, to say good morning, good afternoon and good night, and to always speak the truth, pray before bed time, and again in the morning when I wake up. School teachers taught me how to enforce strict discipline, self-control and obedient behavior while in class. Religion, also play a major role on my personal ethics, it helps me to established a set of principles and morals, to always show respect for others, to do unto others as you would like others to do unto you. There are other unique individuals that have influenced my personal ethics, such as Mahatma Ghandi, have earned my respect as a prominent leader; who once said, â€Å"Even if you are a minority of one, the truth will always be the truth.† Also Lady Theresa, another prominent figure who also said â€Å"when I am hungry, I look for someone to feed, and when I am thirsty I look for someone to give a drink of waters.† These are people with morals, value, and  principles, which set good examples for others to follow. Looking to others as well as the rules and regulations when making an ethical determination, is a very important process of ethical decision-making. Speaking openly and honestly, that my information are indeed factual, show support for my company and others, even when there are differences of opinion; to adapt to any changes, even if the initial process was done by me. Take pride in my work, whatever duties assigned to me. Try to amend any problems caused by misunderstanding of information. Address injustice, provide assistance, and so on. Entitlement-based: By showing positive emotions, such as joy and happiness towards others, will consequently make them more optimistic and more likely to live out their moral choices to help others. Moral values often conflict with other values. For example, a co-worker of mine made several mistakes while processing tax forms for the IRS. These process must be done with specific governmental guidelines (company strives on quality), she brought some forms over to my desk for verification, I came across several mistakes, using a systematic approach, I went back to her, very politely I said, â€Å"you have to be a little more careful,† there were few mistakes in you batch, knowing very well that people don’t like to told that they’ve made a mistake. She asked, what were the mistakes? I said there were four internationals included in your domestic batch, she said there were no international codes, I said agreed, but the address clearly states Canada, she rose from her seat asking for a second opinion (more like yelling), is Canada international, she asked? Everyone answered yes in uniformly. Feeling rather embarrass, she walked back to my desk and started yelling at me, saying how she don’t like my attitude and told my manager how I tried to embarrass her. My manager in turn told me to be careful how I speak to my fellow employees. My ethical standard of fairness was challenged because my boss did not review the situation in a fair manner. My manager did not address the situation between us or address the entire department of the situation; instead she listens to one side of the story. Quality is an integral part of the company’s operation, and as a senior employee and part  of the verifying team it is my duty, my responsibility to inform employees of any errors. My boss did not make a conscious effort to control the negative feeling and put everyone in a positive frame of mind. There were two other instances involving the same employee that continued to challenges my ethical standard that led me to make a final decision and asked for a transfer to anothe r department. Ethical codes vary among individuals and also corporations. History is filled with examples of the impact on society of varied ethical codes, from the organization or corporate perspectives, one can hardly picked up the newspaper anymore without reading about corporate scandal. As Allen Greenspan noted testifying before Congress in 2002, â€Å"trust and reputation can vanish overnight,† and we have seen repeated examples of such occurrences, demonstrating why good ethics is good business (Wisely,1974). There are many factors of moral reasoning and behavior that are relevant in any organizational settings. History demonstrates that trust, integrity, honesty and credibility remain very important to any organization. Organization should have a clear set of organizational goals and policies, particularly when it comes to moral and ethics, employees need to know that the organization holds itself and them to a higher standard. By being clear about what is acceptable and what is not in the work place (Wisely, 1974). This plays into setting the policies that will govern how the organization is run. Guidelines of the company must be followed. In terms of competition, whether it is with another company or between two employees, ethics and moral should always be stressed. For example, if two employees are pitted against each other in competition for a raise, the potential for immoral and unethical behavior is there. The eagerness to get ahead in any way possible can be strong. It is therefore necessary for the organization owners to stress that the integrity of this organization cannot be compromised in any way shape or form. To incorporate ethics, an organization must obey the law and the spirit of the law where ever they conduct business, values must be real, and must reflect actual behavior, especially among the organization’s leaders. To emphasize principles more that rules. (This is the best way to be more  demanding of the organization, (Schulman, 2006), to encourage all employees to be challenging and demanding in the ethical domain of everyone in the organization, including the bosses. Perception is reality. Ethical and social responsibilities are part of the same thing. Our ethical values are part of our image in the business world. At one time it did not matter much if we polluted the environment, paid below the minimum wage or used plastic bags wastefully if we could get away with it (Schulman, 2006). Rightly, as an organization in a community, which for some large organizations includes major parts of the world, investors may decide to invest, or not according to our reputation for ethical behavior in our society. References Miriam Schulman, March 22, 2006. Incorporating Ethics into the Organization Strategic Plan. Retrieve from. http://www.scu.edu William H. Wisely (1974). The American Civil Engineer. Retrieved from. http://www.acsc.org Trevino, L.K., and Nelson, K. A. (2011), Managing Business Ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right (5th Ed). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Love and Respect By Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

Have you ever looked for your lost keys in the same place over and over again only to find out they were there in front of your face the whole time? Or have you ever looked everywhere for the pen or pencil that you had all day only to find it behind your ear at the end of the day? This is how I felt when I read Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. The running theme of this book is many marriages are strained due to the fact that â€Å"men are from Mars and women are from Venus.† What I am saying here is that a simple misunderstanding causes the strain. Men don’t grasp what women are feeling when they are trying to express themselves and, yes, it’s true women are in the same predicament concerning men. Husbands aren’t feeling respected by their wives when, in turn, wives aren’t feeling loved by their husbands. Eggerin states there are three major cycles to the process of Love and Respect. The first cycle is named the crazy cycle. So named because the husband and wife end up with the same negative results for the same reason over and over again and the cycle continues until the couple decides to break the cycle. The second cycle is coined the energizing cycle. The couple has now overcome the vicious crazy cycle and can work toward encouraging one another with the love and respect each spouse deserves. Finally, the third cycle is known as the rewarded cycle. This cycle emphasizes the fact that no matter the response of the spouse, your reward is in heaven. I will elaborate on these three cycles and the foundation for the need for love and respect in a marriage. Let me elaborate on how Eggerin came to the epiphany of the need for love and respect in a healthy marriage. First, if we look at the success of the twelve step programs ranging from co-dependency to food disorders to chemical addictions, we can come to one conclusion as to their success. They work because they are based on one person with the same problem helping another. Oddly, Dr. Eggerich had the advantage, for lack of a better word, of watching his parents’ marriage disintegrate because of the lack of respect and love in it. Interestingly, Eggerich shares his difficulties in his marriage and the difficulty he had with marriage counseling from the start as well. He may have his PhD but his success concerning marriage counseling is due largely to the fact that he and his wife had the same struggles many couples experience. There was a lot of stumbling through cycles of misunderstandings between Emerson and his wife, Sarah. He forgot her birthday one year. After a Bible study group one night, Sarah’s voice grew louder and louder on the way home trying to get through to Emerson concerning his standoffish quiet demeanor. Emerson felt disrespected and hurt and he said to her; â€Å"You can be right but wrong at the top of your voice. (p.11)† One day, for the thousandth time, he read Ephesians 5:33; â€Å"33 Nevertheless tlet each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she urespects her husband.†[1] That’s when it hit him. It was right in front of his face every time he read it but this time, it truly resonated.   He had never seen the connection between love and respect but this time, he did. He came to the realization that a husband is to obey the command to love his wife, even if the wife does not obey the command to respect the husband. Also, the wife is to respect her husband even if the husband does not obey the command to love his wife. So, the connection is love and respect. There are two reasons why love and respect are primary needs. He discusses his personal experience of coming to this understanding from a husbands’ point of view. When disagreements occur, the husband perceives that the wife is contemptuous or disrespectful toward him. This, in turn, causes the husband to shut down or blow up at her and the wife does not receive an expression of love (p.17). After years of counseling married couples, I think it is safe to hang your hat on Eggerins’ theory. The crazy cycle is a down to earth approach to a problem that started at the fall of man. If not broken, this cycle will tear a marriage to pieces. Often, the man is not even aware that it actually is disrespect that the wife is conveying toward him. On the other hand, the wife doesn’t understand why her husband is not expressing his love toward her. The steps toward breaking the crazy cycle are just as simple as the realization that it exists. One major component is communication. Learning how to express our feelings in a respectful tone is very important. The communication code is discussed. He uses a funny little example of how men and women communicate in code. When a wife says; â€Å"I have nothing to wear,† she actually means â€Å"I have nothing new.† When a man says, â€Å"I have nothing to wear,† he means â€Å"I have nothing clean.† This is an example of the code that needs to be broken in order for couples to move past the crazy cycle. I believe another important thing to mention concerning the crazy cycle is unconditional respect. It is vital for women and men to see that respect is not earned, but given. Eggerson uses an example of a boss in the workplace. He basically says that even if you don’t feel respect for your boss, you still show respect for him or her. This is an example of unconditional respect. I suppose we can look at it this way as well, we are to give respect, expecting nothing in return. Just the same, we are to give love expecting nothing in return and both love and respect are reciprocal. They feed off of each other. The second cycle that Eggerson discusses is the energizing cycle.   This is the cycle in which application is necessary in order to stay off of the crazy cycle and move forward. There are two separate sections devoted to husbands and wives respectively. Each section contains an acronym; 1) Couple and 2) Chairs for the wives. The acronym for couple is Closeness, Openness, Understanding, Peacemaking, Loyalty and Esteem. To elaborate, a wife wants her husband to be close and there is a biblical standard for this as well. Genesis 2:24 says, â€Å"the husband shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh.† She also wants her man to open up to her or to tell her what’s happening inside of him and not shut her down when she asks if something is wrong. Sometimes a wife just wants her husband to listen and not to try and fix her problems for her. This is where understanding comes into play. She desires to be at peace and she wants to hear her husband say that he’s sorry some times. Take initiative and pray with her after apologizing. She also needs to know that you aren’t going anywhere and that you are committed to her. Loyalty is very important in a marriage. If her friends are upset with her, be there. Even if she is wrong, a husband can still be loyal to his wife by being there for her in her time of need. She wants you esteem her as well. Read the Song of Solomon and pay special attention to the esteem and love that the man bestows on the Shulamite. For the women, the acronym for chairs is Conquest, Hierarchy, Authority, Insight, Relationship, and Sexuality. Respecting a husband is appreciating his desire to work and to achieve. This is not referring to the archaic definition. It merely refers to encouraging a husband in his achievements at work and in life and with the family. The hierarchy is to appreciate his desire to protect and provide. Eggerichs says that we need to keep in mind this is not a chauvinists’ construct but it is one thing that gives a man purpose. I kind of look at it in the way Christ defines hierarchy and that is that the least will be greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Men desire to be in authority and there are times that it is okay for a wife to appreciate that. Also, appreciate the wisdom and insight your husband has and his desire to analyze and counsel. Next comes relationship. I know that it’s hard to understand that sometimes husbands just want you in the same room with them, but it’s true. They don’t always want to talk about something. Sometimes, they just want their wives with them. Finally, the taboo of Christianity, sexuality! Appreciating his desire for sexual intimacy is also very important. Nothing seems to break a man down more than to remove physical intimacy from a relationship. Finally, the third cycle is fairly straightforward. It is a biblical concept through and through. There is no doubt as to whether or not Jesus practiced this concept in His life on this earth. The cycle is called the rewarded cycle. Notice it says rewarded. This is referring to the fact that it is done. No matter the husband or wife’s response, the reward for the obedient servant is eternal. It is stored in heaven. If a husband pours his love and gives all that he has for his wife, his reward is in heaven. There is no response necessary in order for the husband to be rewarded. If his wife is completely disrespectful then he will still receive his reward and vice-versa for a wife. This book has opened my eyes to a whole new reality concerning those who carry the opposite sex and myself. In the long run, there is no reason to give up on a marriage that is not working because of miscommunication and confusion. If we practice humility and recognize the need for biblical truth in married life then anything is possible. t Col. 3:19 u 1 Pet. 3:1, 6 [1]The New King James Version. 1996, c1982 . Thomas Nelson: Nashville

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Four Social Media Mistakes Could Keep You From Getting Hired

Four Social Media Mistakes Could Keep You From Getting Hired You often hear about how social media can be leveraged to help you get a job, but what about when the process backfires? It happens †¦ and more often than you might think. But this doesn’t mean you need to deactivate your Facebook account and swear off Instagram forever. Instead, read up on four common social media mistakes in order to avoid these pitfalls and enjoy a productive job search. 1. Leaving Your Profile PublicA whopping 77 percent of employers use social media networking sites during the candidate recruitment process, according to a 2013 Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) study. Unless you’re up for completely whitewashing your entire social media presence in order to deliver a 100 percent professional impression, simply set your profile to private instead. With one click of the page, you remove the possibility that companies will stumble upon something on your Facebook page that could result in your elimination from consideration.2. Leaving  Unprofessional Content on Your ProfileEven if your profile is set to private, there’s no excuse for unprofessional photos. Take time to remove all potentially incriminating pictures and posts - from rants about your last boss to evidence of that one crazy night on spring break. These can only come back to haunt you.Also, keep in mind that your profile picture is visible to all - â€Å"friends† or not. Choose something professional: this photo may well be the first impression you make on a recruiter.3.  NegativityNegative or gossipy tweets and disgruntled Facebook posts about current and past jobs and bosses do not reflect well on you. This applies to those penned by you as well as others left on your profile. For employers looking to judge your work ethic, level of commitment, and sense of integrity, unprofessional comments on social media set off alarm bells.And skip the profanity while you’re at it: 63 percent of employers have reconsidered hiring candida tes based on encountering the occasional four-letter word in their profiles.4. Improper GrammarIf you think that your Facebook posts are immune from the grammar police, think again: a staggering 66 percent of recruiters factor spelling and grammar into consideration when checking out the social profiles of candidates.And don’t forget that your current â€Å"friends,† â€Å"followers,† and â€Å"connections,† are all potential future colleagues and/or employers. Careless posting

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Comparison Essay on High School and College

Comparison Essay on High School and College Comparison Essay on High School and College Some people may mistake college as a simple step above high school, but an examination of the two levels of study reveals that there are indeed numerous differences between the two. One of the differences is in the nature of classes in college and in high school. In high school classes, assignments and learning materials that are to be used to complete the assignments are provided for the students. High schools also normally have guidance counselors to help students determine what advanced core and elective courses they may be interested in taking, especially as it pertains to preparing for a college or a vocation. In college, the situation is very different because it is the students who are charged with the responsibility to decide the kinds of classes that they should take until they graduate. If a student has challenges in selecting a unit, the student may make an appointment with a course advisor. However, colleges do have counseling and guidance offices to help students look at what they might be interested in as a career and to help them plan accordingly. Even so, college students are rarely given the materials that they need for their study and therefore , unlike high school, must purchase the necessary texts and other learning material. Another difference is that, compared to college professors, high school teachers tend to be more accommodating towards their students. For instance, high school teachers tend to be more interested in knowing the name of each and every student in their class while college professors rarely relate names to the faces of their students. Also, high school teachers are more likely to closely monitor the grades of their students, ensure that all the students access the required notes, find out why a student may have missed a class, and even remind the students of assignments and future examinations. High school teachers are also more likely to accept a late submission of assignments or even call a student’s parents to inquire about a student who may have missed class. On the other hand, college professors rarely pay attention to the attendance habits of their students and do not make any effort to ensure that all their students pass or score good grades in their subjects. If a studen t misses a class, a college professor is unlikely to follow up and give the student the notes he missed. Instead, it will be up to the student to figure out from whom to get the notes that he missed when he did not attend class. Finally, it is not uncommon to meet a college professor even after graduating from college and not be recognized by that professor, unlike the case of high school teachers who remember some students long after graduation. In high school, it is very easy to get one-on-one time with a teacher because all that one has to do is to schedule a time before or after school. In college, one has to book an appointment in order to have a one-on-one time with a professor, and it is not always a guarantee that after booking the appointment, the professor will keep the appointment. You can buy a comparison essay online at essay writing service. You will get a superior-quality custom compare and contrast paper written from scratch!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Enterprice system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Enterprice system - Essay Example Therefore, client-server systems can definitely help them in making effective use of client-server technology. However, increased dependence on the centralized server is a disadvantage of such models because if the server goes down, the entire network of computers becomes unable to work. b) Thin-Client Model The thin client technology also provides server-based computing facility to companies (Kumar 2007). There is a browser terminal or a central server from which all other computers can access required information, as well as can do required work through sharing. Companies can use either standalone or wireless thin clients to run their business processes. The purpose of the technology is to facilitate businesses through reducing the total cost of ownership and providing easy and efficient usage. The main advantages of using think clients are security, efficient use of resources, and low cost (Kumar 2007). The main disadvantage of this technology is that not is not designed for heavy tasks. Answer No. 2 a) Risks to Data Integrity of Distributed Databases â€Å"A distributed database is a database that is split over multiple hardware devices but managed by a central database controller† (Holmes n.d.). A distributed database means division of a database into different physical units separated by business or geographical regions. Some of the main advantages of using distributed databases in business include better control of resources and improved business performances. However, the risks associated with data integrity of distributed databases include accuracy of stored data and the risk of unauthorized access to spoil or alter the stored data. b) Strategies to Overcome Risks The first strategy that can be used to overcome such risks include double checking the database for database integrity, domain integrity, and referential integrity before and after making changes to the data. The second strategy is using authentication of the people trying to log on to the network. Using this feature, only officials are provided with passwords and biometrics that they can use to prove their identity, as well as to make secure use of the distributed network. Authentication is done to make the network safe by stopping and preventing unauthorized attempts to the network. Answer No. 3 Groupware is a term that refers to specialized software applications that help members of a group in sharing and synchronizing business information, as well as in communicating with each other in an effective manner. â€Å"Groupware can allow both geographically dispersed team members and a company's on-site workers to collaborate with each other through the use of computer networking technologies† (Pinola, n.d.). Some of the main groupware technologies that are widely used in companies include shared Microsoft Office applications, email systems, video conferencing, electronic whiteboard, and instant messaging through messengers. All of these techniologies help e mployees in communicating with eah other regardig every business matter. These technologies also increase business efficency, as well as employee productivity. Therefore, the statement that helps in icnreasing on-going coordination between people is true. Answer No. 4 ICT, Information and Communication Technology, refers to every such technology that deals with electronic transfer of information from one point to another (Singleton 2010). The information exchange